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Case Study: Identified $130,000 worth of savings

Five year-old company.

Situation/problem: The company had a hot-selling product (through resellers), but was unable to attract resellers. They were having difficulty attracting new resellers - and could not account for how much they spent on marketing, nor how effective it was.

Efforts: Through our "Strategic Marketing Program," we were able to quantify their marketing expenditures, their marketing-tactics' effectiveness and what they should do to improve performance while decreasing marketing expenses.

Results: We determined that 80% of their marketing budget ($130,000) was being totally wasted: No new resellers were using the methods the company was employing - to locate and decide on representing new products. This generated an (immediate) ROI of over 4 to 1 ($4 saved for every $1 spent on Synergy). This engagement is still "in process", so final top-line growth has yet to be determined. (Savings: Three months. Growth: In Process.)

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