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Pricing pressures: Are you competing on price? Is there downward pressure on what you can charge? Are you looking to increase your gross margin?

Our pricing services have helped clients' deal with downward price pressure, and even helped rais them. Just a few examples:

- Determined annual fee for a new software product should be $1495, instead of $295! This represents a 5x price improvement (and an 11x improvement in gross margin)!

- Determined the licensing price of an ASIC should be $12 instead of $8. This 50% improvement in price constituted a 100% improvement in gross margin!

- Uncovered that the true value placed on a service envisioned by Synergy's client was one tenth the value assumed by our client. This saved our client $30,000 to $40,000 by not developing / launching the new service. 

- Found that client's customers bought for different reasons than Synergy's client thought, thereby enabling the product's price to increase 50% while reducing the sales cycle and adding customers.

- Through pricing research, we determined that our start-up client could not sustain their business model: The system needed to sell for $50,000 to $70,000 per installation. The market would only bear $6,500. This was performed prior to investment. The company gracefully shut down. (Great idea that would never work!) Saved the founders years of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Value: If you feel you might be (or will be) leaving money on the table,  we can save you a lot of time and money... and perhaps gain you significant gross revenue, margin, and increase your profitability!

(c) 1998 - 2008 Synergy Consulting Group, LLC